According to reports, Samsung has filed a trademark application in South Korea. For the brand name ‘XISOCELL,’ which could be the Samsung’s next generation of smartphone camera sensors. The company has long been producing ISOCELL camera sensors, which first appeared on the Samsung Galaxy S5 in 2014. Samsung later added camera sensors from the ISOCELL Plus and ISOCELL 2.0 series to their more recent models.
Why XISOCELL image sensor is Important ?
With XISOCELL, on the current generation of smartphone camera sensors. Samsung’s ISOCELL branding reduces interference and noise from two adjacent pixels in a cameras.
According to the most recent report, trademark registration indicates that its next generation of image sensors will be marketed under the brand name XISOCELL.
The report does not reveal any additional information about the purported net-generation camera image sensors from Samsung.
Samsung is also said to be working on sensor-shift image stabilization technology. Which is similar to that seen on the iPhone 12 Pro Max. The iPhone maker from Cupertino, California claims that the technique can stabilize an image at over 5,000 times per second.
However, it is still unclear if Samsung’s upcoming S23 flagship series will include next-generation XISOCELL image sensors.