Google is expected to unveil its Pixel 6a in India soon. Google Pixel 6a expected to launch in India by the end of July may be priced under Rs 40,000. The Pixel 6a, which succeeds the Pixel 5a, will reportedly go on sale by the end of this month via Flipkart.
Google announced the Pixel 6a during its Google I/O event, which was held in May this year. The Pixel 6a features a similar design to the Pixel 6 series and draws its power from Google’s own Tensor chipset.
As per the tipster, the Pixel 6a will be priced at around Rs 37,000 in India. Previously, another report noted that the device would be priced at Rs 40,000. Although Google has not confirmed the launch date of the Pixel 6a, the reports reveal that the smartphone will be launched by the end of this month.
Pixel 6a specifications
Pixel 6a is the trimmed-down version of the Pixel 6, which was launched last year. The design, however, is very similar to the Pixel 6. The phone has borrowed the camera bar from the Pixel 6. It is offered in three colour options, including Chalk, Charcoal, and Sage.
It has retained the essence of Google’s premium phones-Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro — at a lower price of $449. The phone is powered by the Google Tensor chipset and comes with powerful cameras. The Pixel features dual rear cameras: a main lens and an ultrawide lens. As for the selfie camera on Pixel 6a, it’s the same great camera as Pixel 6.