Valorant Latest Agent – Harbor ? Varun Batra Role & Abilities

Valorant latest agent is on a role and about to make debut in the game soon. Varun Batra also named Harbor will join the Valorant roster in Episode 5 Act 3, along with a New Battle Pass, and New Weapons Collection. On 12th October, Riot Games released an Agent Trailer titled “Turn The Tides” that gives us an origin of the agent and a peak into his abilities.

As the reveal trailer suggests, Harbor was a relic hunter who traversed the globe and recovered relics from the black market. On one such recovery mission, he came across a relic that gave him the powers. There is still some time before this Agent becomes available in the game, but Riot Games will showcase his gameplay and abilities soon.

According to the trailer, Harbor’s abilities have some form of shielding effect that doesn’t allow bullets to pass through. Either way, from whatever has been revealed thus far, Harbor as the trailer suggest, might be the most powerful Controller in Valorant to date.

As pointed out by many fans following his announcement, Varun Batra represents one of the four major elements. Prior to him, three other elemental Agents were present in the game.

Phoenix represents fire, Sage represents earth, and Jett represents air. With Harbor coming into the game, the roster will have at least one Agent representing each element.