Friendly Streaming Browser – Now Stream Anything On Mac

Are you looking for a streaming app for mac, which can help you watch any platform you like? Then yes, this article is for you. An application that helps you to watch almost any service you want on Mac.

Yes, we are talking about the Friendly Streaming Browser. A Friendly Streaming Browser is an elegant and minimalistic multitasking browser.

Friendly Streaming Browser has some interesting features such as powerful Picture-in-Picture, floating window mode, and transparency settings, making it a multitasker’s dream browser. Let’s set it up, although it’s very simple.

What is Friendly Streaming Browser?

Friendly Streaming Browser is just like any other normal browser, except that it’s floating on top of all other windows, and can be adjusted to be transparent.

Download Friendly Streaming Browser 

You can download the Friendly Streaming Browser from the Mac App Store.

Friendly Streaming Browser
Friendly Streaming Browser

On the address bar, you can see various streaming services, including YouTube, Netflix, and more. Enter the website name and URL, then click Save. Friendly Streaming Browser will save the shortcut and then can easily navigate to the website.

Yes, it’s that simple.

You can have your work done, alongside your media content from places like YouTube, Netflix, Vimeo, Hulu, and more. And which is possible with the Universal Picture-in-Picture provided by the Friendly Streaming Browser.

Give this application a try and do share your experience.